Our Services

AppSmiths® Technology offers software modeling services for its clients. AppSmiths® builds a well model for the client from their well information into our WinGLUE® software, and is then able to calibrate the model to the production data. Once there is a calibrated well model AppSmiths® is able to understand how the well is operating and where it is lifting from. The model also helps to understand the benefits of optimizing the well by predicting the uplift potential.

AppSmiths® Technology

AVT System

Is an injection point surveillance and monitoring tool for gas lift wells that uses pantented technology to inject liquid Co2. With it you can measure your operations, check performance and discover problems without risky interventions or loss of production.
WellTracer® is suitable for horizontal, deviated or dual-completion wells where pressure lifting is not feasible.

Test Benefits

Testing the valves allows you to know what and how many of the valves are still in operation.

Get the possibility of being restored. This provides an important value in the prevention of valve deterioration and losses.

Tests provided by the AVT

AppSmiths® Technology


Is an injection point surveillance and monitoring tool for gas lift wells that uses pantented technology to inject liquid Co2. With it you can measure your operations, check performance and discover problems without risky interventions or loss of production.
WellTracer® is suitable for horizontal, deviated or dual-completion wells where pressure lifting is not feasible.

How it works:

WellTracer® creates a snapshot of well performance by introducing a small volume of Co2 into the injection line and then measuring the Co2 concentration through a sensor connected to the well production tree, flowline or well test separator. Estimated tracer return times are between 1 and 7 hours.
Pressure and injection rate during the tracer are integrated with valve and well modeling to determine the depths of each observed injection.

Optimize Performance

WellTracer® is capable of working in conjunction with WinGLUE well modeling and simulation software.
Increase production from your wells using WinGLUE, you can get well model, carve reports and expert recommendations with WellTracer® surveys.
Use well history and real-time measurement data to get more production in less time.

Visualization of Operations

Viewing the well operation helps you determine which mandrel is lifting, if the well is multipoint or if the casing is leaking pipe. All without loss of production.

Ease of use

The WellTracer® is portable, requiring only two temporary connection points. One on the gas injection line and one on the production line. WellTracer® will remain connected for the duration of the trace.

WellTracer® VS FGS

WellTracer® offers more: 



Flowing Gradient Survey

Identify primary point of gas injection

Find tubing leaks, including leaks passing

small amounts of gas


Verify gas-lift models


Learn injection rates and how much lift gas is injected into each point of injection


Reasonable results in high

GOR or low-injection rate wells


Accurately determine

flowing bottom-hole pressure


Requires well intervention


AppSmiths® Technology

WellTracer® Campaigns

At AppSmiths® we offer field campaigns to demonstrate the use and effectiveness of WellTracer®.
Each field has unique configuration and business drivers; we will recommend the best WellTracer® option for each client’s operation, such as connecting them with preferred local service providers, training operators in the use of WellTracer®, or performing installations for field use.
