

Is a cloud-web application that together with WinGLUE® makes a perfect match for the analysis, surveillance, design, modeling, prediction and optimization of gas lift wells.
In the cloud everything is faster, safer and more convenient.


WebGLUE is also an API. This allows you to visualize data of your projects from the WinGLUE® database and to visualize comparative information.

The benefits that WebGLUE can offer you are:

Report History

Comment and highlight your observations on graphs to create more detailed reports. Consult your reports at any time from your history.
It is possible to work in teams and share information with more colleagues from an internal server.

Two working modes

WebGLUE can be used from two types of views
The dashboard has a step-by-step order so that you can perform the analysis activities step by step. It allows you to have better control of your information and the use is more intuitive. If you have not worked with WinGLUE® this could be a more comfortable option to work with.
The dashboard mode has a component maker, where you can adjust the order of the dashboard to work the information of your wells in the order you prefer.
This option is made for engineers who are familiar with the working mode of our WinGLUE® software and its random windows interface.